How does Willy's house act as a metaphor for his ambitions?
7/9/2013 07:01:19 am

When Willy and Linda purchased there home it was a beautiful house on plenty of land with nothing surrounding it but field.The land representing Willy's dreams on his future of making money and becoming very rich and successful. Over time, now Willy in his 60's there have been the development of many apartments that were built around Willy and Linda's house. This is looked at as he is much older now and there is less opportunity for Willy to fulfill his dream. The American dream of being rich and successful!!!

7/9/2013 10:44:36 am

Much as Cherish had said before me, I believe that the land operated as room for growth, an ability for Willy to rise up the business ladder, and make more and more money.

However, as time went on and the house and Willy grew older, younger, better buildings and people come up all around him, making it much harder for him to grow, and make more money, which is very important to Willy.

7/9/2013 11:07:48 am

When Willy and Linda purchased their home, there were not many neighborhood. A house had a lot of space and sunligth. WILLI WAS A YOUNG MAN WITH Many abition and plans in his life.In this time his house represent space in which he could expand his dream. But with time, he gets old, all his dream or ambitions are not the same as it was in the past.

Amardeep Cheema
7/9/2013 11:22:58 am

In the past, the house was surrounded with plenty of green space. All of the open space encouraged Willy to believe that there's success for him in the future. Presently, all of that open space is now blocked with apartments. Also, Willy had aged quite a bit now, so it's hard to fulfill his dream; the American dream. In short, the development and him aging are possible ways for him to not make a lot of money and for the American dream, money is needed.

7/9/2013 12:34:05 pm

Willys house acts as a metaphor in the aspects that bigger is better. Willy and Lindas house used to have spaced land which represented his wide range of ambitions and sucess he was set to have. Now that there are so many appartments around blocking out this freedome he once had, Willy feels inclosed with these people who could also be possibly competing for sucess aswell. This also migt represent that Willys ideas and expectations might be too big for his head (house).

Jagtaj Matharoo
7/9/2013 12:58:04 pm

Willy's house acts as a metaphor to show us his values and intentions. When he first bought the house there was plenty of room around it which symbolizes room for growth and improvement. Willy is a big believer in the American Dream and the space reflected his idea of always working hard to grow. Now that there are apartments developing around the house there is less space and room for Willy to grow, which can also be seen by his old age. His expectations also fall short due to the family members in the house. For example, Biff is his 34 year old son who still lives at home. Biff's trouble to find a career that will provide him with success adds to the idea of the house being boxed in and held captive from prosperity.

Chris Nichols
7/9/2013 09:39:06 pm

Willy's house functions as a metaphor to Willy's goals and intentions. His goal was to become successful and get more money, but as people grow around him there is going to be no one staying behind to appreciate that. As him and the house grow older it is shown that his intentions are not everyone elses.

7/10/2013 05:13:28 am

Willy's house acts as a metaphor for his ambitions because at first his house was in an area of openness where they could do whatever they want. Willy could garden, the boys could play and there was lots of fresh air. At this time Willy could do anything he wanted to become a success in his life, the possibilities were endless. Now there are apartment buildings surrounding the house, he couldn't garden anymore because there was no sunlight, and there were lots of people around. Now this represents how Willy has not much of his life left to make a success out of himself and become the american dream he always wanted to be. His vision of himself is closing in on him just like the apartments are doing to his house.

7/10/2013 01:05:26 pm

The house Willy resides in is a metaphor because, when they first moved in there it was booming with potential. Life was vibrant and trees were growing rapidly. Willy was heavily ambitious at the time. and it showed through the atmosphere he was in. Relating that to what we know now we can see that there is extremely large building structures surrounding the house from three sides. This shows that it is more condensed, and smaller then previous assumed. He feels like there is no space in which he can work. He mentions that the population of the surrounding area was increasing and that it was becoming way to competitive for him. Showing his lack of ambition that he has now. Concluding that the house represents the evolution of Willy and his desires to become wealthy.

7/24/2013 02:38:36 pm

Willy's house is a visual form of all that he has achieved, but the sad part is it is all falling apart. The house shows that Willy's goals are superficial. The problem is though nothing man can see lasst forever. Its the mentsl things we should place are focus on like joy, peace, and happiness

Katarina Selinger
7/25/2013 07:24:15 am

In the beginning of when willy was a young father with a good job and could get by the week without hesitation and everything was perfect his house was secure to him, he loved everything around and in his house. once he got older and everything took a drastic change willy was looking to blame something for the change, so he blamed the house. he believed it confounded him and the change around him was making everything go wrong. i believe he was just making another excuses so he doesn't have to face reality, that he cant afford new things or how he just gets by with enough money for the week.

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    I grew up in small town outside a big city in Western Quebec. I moved to Southwestern Ontario during my last year of elementary school. I currently reside in the same small town where I attended high school, graduated and began my teaching career!


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